
2017 § Bu, CA

» how my healing story began «

Arrived in Las Cruces, New Mexico the 26th of December 1974. The second born of four daughters to a king and queen high school legends. Within the first few years of life, our new-found-Faith-family-of-four was experiencing the importance of not “leaning on our own understanding.”  It was filled with parental martial problems, maternal father passed away from a heart attack and a family member had to go through major surgery over the Christmas holiday. All the grief and hardship surrounded our growing family of six ended in a divorce nineteen years later.

My sisterhood was my source of strength and a solid foundation. We provided protection and emotional support where there was parental neglect. Moving pretty much every year required that I attended four elementary schools and three high schools. Lots of bittersweet experiences moving from place to place, home to home, however it was a new adventure every time!

A powerful dream was given to me at the age of five. Showing me how God is LIGHT and how the darkness lives in all of us. Every single human is flawed and born with Free Will. After having that lucid dream/experiencing, my mom told me I asked to be baptized. At such a young age, I had to learn how to Forgive wholeheartedly, yet establish healthy boundaries. Continually learning, Forgiveness is the key virtue in being set Free from non-beneficial energy. 

2016 § LC, BCS

» » The LIGHT and Living-Water made an everlasting imprint on my soul « «

Over the years compounding reasons caused my immune system to be compromised. The families emotional turmoil along with physical and mental abuse caused dis-ease in all our bodies/vessels.


» Don’t be ashamed of your story. It will inspire others «


Major health issues started to show up in my lungs. Constantly dealing with pneumonia, fevers and migraines sent us to the ER more times in my life then I’d like to recall. Those fragile years were in Tulsa, OK. We as a family attended religious organization affiliated with Oral Roberts Family Minister. As if it was yesterday, I can recall when my Dad carried me down in his arms to be prayed for by Pastor Oral Roberts.  As Paster Roberts approached my Father and me, I remember everything coming to a halt. As though everything stopped in time. As if no one was even breathing. I felt extra secure in my daddy’s arms, Paster Roberts asked me if I was ready to receive Holy Ghost? With every cell in my body I said, Yes, Please.. I am willing! As I was saying those words, his hand began to lay on my forehead.

»» A powerful surge of energy jolted through my body! I felt the Power of God come through the hands of a very Holy Vessel of God! ««

Talk about a supernatural experience!!! Feeling revived at the age eight! My whole-body was activated to live “not by my might, nor by my power but by my Spirit.”  Birthing innate desire for self-love, to trust in my sensitivities and developed a greater since of self-worth!

Age 5 § EP, TX ~ tailgate of our yellow station wagon with fake wood panelling and white rim tires. My favorite spot to gaze upon the clouds or stars.

My Mom was lead by the Holy Spirit to have me tested for allergies and seek out Homeopathic care. Thank you, God!… she trusted that still small voice. For five years, I received four or five shots a day, steroids and gross testing medicine for my lungs. No inhalers back in the day. I can confidently say, it only made me stronger. I didn’t want to be that sick little girl who never got to go play outside and/or had to live in a bubble. I fought to be alive, to be here and to live this life to the fullest! Surrendering not to my flesh and bone, but to my Savior who dwelled in me….….my constant, «Jesus ♥»

Just as the body is dead without breath, so also Faith is dead without good works. James 2:26

Leaning on my Faith and not my own understanding, I developed strong leadership skills. Overcame learning disabilities and excelled as a star-athlete. Unfortunately with leadership comes a lot of jealousy, ridicule and rejection. 

»» At a young age, I learned the value of quality over quantity and was blessed to form lifelong heart-to-heart bond ««

The desire to be in control of my own life set some high expectations. My wondrous soul kept me discovering new sides of myself. From babysitting to managing and opening restaurants on and off for over twenty year. To becoming a global project manager Apple Computer. Finding myself selling everything I owned at age twenty-eight, to live out of my car and discover how gorgeous our Nation is for two years.

Realizing once again, not all is what is seems. Don’t get me wrong. I did find enjoyment in camping wherever I wanted too. Washing up steams, seeking out hot springs, sleeping under a billions billions of stars. Believing all was working together for the greater good! Driving from the west coast to the east coast. Creating, allowing and seizing moments of bliss and wonder to feed my soul. Intentionally, absorbing the sensory experiences in every cell of my body… The sensations of feeling wild and free. 

2011 § PCH/NorCal
2017 § PV, CA

Another powerful lucid dream came to me three months before my thirtieth birthday three times. The vibe had a David Lynch kinda feel. It was dark and misty outside, I woke up naked in the backseat of my car. When I saw there was no one in the driver seat, I began to panic! Every time, I forcefully tried to move. My car veered to the right. I tried to adjust the speed, turn the wheel and mess with anything something! Only to lead the car too bump and or crash into the right-side medium. The car was going about 80 mph on a highway and not another car in sight. Once, I let go and Let God…. I noticed, my perceptions improved. As thou I received a whole new set of eyes. Upgrading my self-awareness, feeling more secure and courageous. 

« Within five years of having that dream, I came to understand. When I feel most vulnerable, that’s where my true power resides! »

In May 2005, I was told I had thyroid cancer and beginning stages of autoimmune disorders. Considering my lifestyle and family health history that didn’t come as too big of a surprise. After receiving professionally opinions, I sought out simplicity in nature once again to gain clarity and humility in prayer. My heart trusted the body is designed to heal! Wholeheartedly, I knew every cell in my vessel was capable of being made new “not by my might, nor by my power, but by my Faith.” I chose to listen more mindfully and discover what the whole-body requires to evolve in beneficial ways.

2009 started » Eat 4 My Blood Type « It’s all about moderation.

Organically, gravitating towards holistic methods of healing, I sought out  insightful educational paths for sensitive individuals. Worked with some of the most finest health professionals all over the world. Discovering while crowding-out certain foods and bad habits, an uprooting of major emotionally pain started to surface.  The emotional layers were starting to peel back. Allowing me to be able to forgive those who hurt me… “for they know not what they do”.

Holding onto the sufferings of pain; cause the suffering of pain to think it’s justifiable. Through more hardships and life-undulations, I started to gain a deeper appreciation and the importance of the Fruits of the Spirit.

» » For they will never leave us nor forsake us.

All the hurts we’ve hold onto are the mountains God want to move! « «

2014 § SS, CA

By 2009, I was diagnosed cancer-free! Set-forth with mental fortitude in life with healthier margins of success and understanding my purpose in the “laying on of hands.” My whole life, I’ve always been a touchy feely person. In my youth I use to get in trouble touching. When I fully accepted this calling, I started remembering who I am.  Paid closer attention to what was being said about my touch. Witnessing, the most high Love pouring out of me. Lifting the Spirit to help them rise up and unfold to the healthiest version. Supporting the awakening to their true identity in Christ, and who they are meant to be.

Noticed how people felt so comfortable and safe around me. So easily ready to reveal their stories, pain and concerns. The universal-deep-longing to be heard, accepted and touch is part of the human sensory experiences. To be a true servant of the Heart, I had to lay my heavy burdens down and Trust God’s hand is on my life. Began to Tap into discernment when seeking out new energy- healing techniques. 

2012 ~ TS, BCS

Battles are won within!

You are at the age to be the adult you always needed growing up. Comfort your inner-child, who needs to be healed and heard

Live in the Grace of 24hrs! Learning how live in the present moments, make space for healthier margin to fine-tune over a lifetime.

Creates and encourages all kinds of bonds from newborn to nonagenarian. By staying curious, we acquire new trades; to boldly travel and live life more intentionally. Life is good! Reflecting back on all life, I am maturing into a Godly Women of Faith, a Peaceful Warrior, an Overcomer and a Beloved follow of Christ! 

» » God doesn’t want to just GIVE us strength, He want to BE your strength! « «

Thank you for taking the time to read a little about my healing journey. By actively taking authority over my life, I started to remember who I am and who lives inside me. On the daily, I affirm these nuggets of truth which give provide another layer of peace and purpose: 

We are not of this body, we are in this body. We are not of this World, we are in this World. Our emotions are good indicators, but not good dictators.

I will experience lifelong lessons on how not to live under the Laws of Legalisms and to continue to mature under the Laws of Love.   

Looking forward to sharing my gifts with all you are willing. Go-forth, Boldly, Beautifully and Balanced! Trusting your journey to unconditional L-O-V-E! 

Namaste & Shalom,

Love ~ Faye ♥

P.S. We love our hOMe here in Texas! Co-creating a life of peace, prosperity and purpose alongside y’all! 

2008 » Buck & Faye § PDR, CA
»»»» Live from the inside out, not the outside in »»»»